Monday, 31 August 2020

SEO Services In the Right Ways

 By constantly evolving its algorithm and its page ranking formula, Google pursues the objective of always satisfying its users.

For your website to appear at the top of the first page of Google results, it simply has to be the best fit for the user's need. The best advice I can give you that will influence everyone else is to provide the best user experience through a quality website with high added value content.

Improve the quality of your website

A quality website offers a good experience on all devices (computer, smartphone and tablet) and a fast loading time.

Responsive web design

Responsive allows you to optimize the presentation of your site on different screen sizes without developing several websites. This design method serves the same content on any type of device but each element (texts, images, videos, etc.) automatically resizes according to the screen size of the device used (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) 

Google recommends responsive web design because it allows you to keep the same URL for each page of the site, regardless of the navigation medium. Having a unique website simplifies and facilitates its referencing on search engines. When it comes to the SEO Services in India this is important.

Fast charging time

Internet users, and especially mobile users, are in a hurry: one in two visits is abandoned after 3 seconds of loading on a 3G mobile site. Page load time or display time has become a criterion in Google's algorithm because it is an important element for the experience felt by the user.

To reduce the loading time, Google suggests the implementation of several best practices: reduce the server response time, optimize the browsing of the browser cache, always compress images, avoid carousels on the homepage and favor superimposed blocks, give up custom fonts or limit their use to titles and other essentials, identify redirects that are triggered on your main URLs.