Wednesday 13 November 2019

Logo Designs In the Right Format Now

To create a perfect logo, it must be evocative , memorable and timeless . Indeed, your logo represents your DNA, it is the first step to create a brand and the cornerstone of your visual identity . How does this translate into practice? What are the basic rules to follow and which errors to avoid? Expert in creating logos for more than 10 years, provides you the complete checklist to succeed your own logo! For the  Professional Custom Logo Design Australia this is important now.

Get inspired by the codes of your industry (without copying)

Each activity sector has codes and this is true for logos as well. Colors, shapes, and typography are often similar in luxury for example, where the brands favor a sober typography, black color and minimalist logos , which is not the case of the logos in the field of health , which are more symbolic. Other implicit rules intervene in the field of insurance or banks: blue, the color of confidence par excellence is preferred by almost all brands. However, be careful not to strictly follow this rule or you risk totally merging into the mass of existing logos. The ideal? Respect some graphic codes of your sector while bringing a touch of novelty . This is the bias of Boursorama for example, which combines the reassuring blue to a flashy pink and thus assumes its image as a different bank, young and digital.

Choose your colors carefully

The choice of colors of a logo is extremely strategic. Indeed each color has a meaning , a gray logo for example will more easily evoke sobriety and elegance than a bright orange logo! We have also summarized the meanings of colors in computer graphics , so that you have all the cards in hand when defining the color range of your logo. You can bet on a united logo, which has the merit of being more easily identifiable and not to scramble the messages, it is besides the choice of 59% of the logos created between 2018 and 2019 according to our study carried out by marketing professionals. For the  Professional Custom Logo Design Australia this is important now.

Make the right choice of typography to create a logo

The font of your logo is not a trivial choice, it also contributes to your image . Typography without serifs, with serifs or handwritten, each evokes different values , to you to choose the most adapted to your mark. Trends in the timing of typography can also provide arguments for one or the other. Finally, do not mix more than 2 typographies for the sake of clarity.